Options to Avoid Foreclosure

Iron Oak would like to find a way to work with you to resolve your delinquent Loan to avoid foreclosure, but we need your help and cooperation in order to accomplish this. We encourage you to contact us immediately to set up a meeting by telephone, in order to assess your financial situation and explore options that may be available for you to avoid foreclosure.
In order to make the meeting as productive as possible, we recommend that you collect and be prepared to present to Iron Oak the following documents:
  • A brief explanation of your circumstances;
  • Recent income documents (such as pay stubs; benefit statements from Social Security, disability, unemployment, retirement, or public assistance.) If you are self-employed, have your tax returns or a year-to-date profit and loss statement available for reference;
  • Bank statements and tax returns for past two (2) years;
  • Your most recent pay-stub (s) covering a thirty day period;
  • Property Tax Information;
  • Copy of your Homeowners Insurance Policy;
  • Savings account statements showing three month’s balances.


While we will work with you to explore options that may be available to you in order to avoid foreclosure, please be advised that Iron Oak reserves the right to accept or deny any request for foreclosure avoidance in its sole and absolute discretion.  The approval by Iron Oak of any option to avoid foreclosure is on a case by case basis and merely calling Iron Oak to discuss possible alternatives to foreclosure does not guarantee that you will be approved.
You may also want to take advantage of one of the certified counseling agencies available through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) by calling HUD’s toll-free number (800)569-4287 or TTY/TDD (800) 877-8339.  You may find other useful consumer information on foreclosure alternatives on the HUD website at: https://www.hud.gov/topics/avoiding_foreclosure, including an article on “Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure”.
Please contact us at 925-803-2465 ( Will accept collect calls) to speak with a live representative during our business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to set up an appointment to talk by telephone to assess your financial situation and explore options that may be available to you in order to avoid foreclosure.